(Toda persona que Siga)






La agenda de inversión

Ahora estamos viviendo en la última etapa de un plan para invertir al individuo y la sociedad del orden natural. El plan se considerará un éxito cuando la mayoría de los seres humanos del planeta vivan invertidos en su biología y naturaleza, y lleguen a creer que una realidad invertida siempre ha sido una situación normal.

Las élites están realizando la inversión para debilitar al hombre a tal punto que su gobierno nunca se verá amenazado. En efecto, están creando una clase de esclavos permanente que será tan incapaz de derrocar a sus amos como un rebaño de vacas es incapaz de matar al granjero que las posee, a pesar de que esas vacas descendían de toros poderosos que solo podían manejarse con entrenamiento especializado. o armas No hay mejor manera de debilitar a los humanos que quitarles sus fortalezas naturales, enfrentarlos entre sí a través de una multitud de identidades inventadas y convencerlos de que la fuerza solo puede venir en el placer hedonista que se centra en la comida, el entretenimiento y la sodomía.

Aquí están las ocho inversiones más inquietantes que están teniendo lugar actualmente.…

1. El sexo heterosexual es violación

Quizás recuerdes la frase "todo sexo es violación" de la loca feminista judía Andrea Dworkin, quien afirmó que las relaciones heterosexuales son "violentas". Eso fue simplemente un lanzamiento de prueba para el verdadero negocio. Muchos años después, otra figura de la élite judía, Ezra Klein, declaró que los hombres deberían sentir un " pico de miedo frío " antes de iniciar cualquier relación sexual. Este objetivo está cerca de ser alcanzado.

El paso intermedio antes de clasificar todo el sexo heterosexual como violación es envenenar las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres con la idea del "consentimiento" sexual, que nunca puede verificarse realmente sin grabaciones de video y audio. Incluso si graba sexo, pronto se dictará que los hombres no tienen consentimiento si una mujer dice que no con su voz interior . No importa que el hombre nunca haya escuchado la palabra "no" mientras la mujer lo haya pensado, y el hecho de que no se haya detenido lo convierte en un violador que debe, como mínimo, ser forzado a dejar su trabajo y arruinar su reputación. Muchos hombres tendrán sus vidas destruidas debido a este mismo escenario hasta que cada instancia de sexo heterosexual se pueda interpretar como una violación si el hombre acusado posee un trabajo que una mujer desea o si es de alguna manera una amenaza para la agenda de inversión.

Al mismo tiempo, será casi imposible clasificar el sexo homosexual como violación. No importa que la mayoría del sexo homosexual tenga lugar bajo un buffet de drogas, porque si el sexo era gay, todo está bien. Esto hará que muchos hombres consideren buscar sodomía como un medio para no ser atacados, que es exactamente lo que quieren las élites.

La homosexualidad no solo ofrece un confiable método de control de la población , sino que también El hecho de ser un sodomita te pone en una cinta de correr de consumo de drogas, sexo y consumo material, todos los hábitos de un esclavo perfectamente controlado. Tenga en cuenta que la promoción del sexo anal en la pornografía heterosexual es un paso intermedio para calentar a los hombres a la idea de que un agujero es un agujero, y si una mujer puede proporcionar placer a través de su recto, también lo puede hacer un hombre.

2. Las familias nucleares son fascismo

Lo siguiente es retratar la unidad familiar como si Hitler la hubiera inventado. La primera etapa de esta inversión es glorificar a la maternidad soltera y convencer a las mujeres de que son valientes y fuertes por tomar una carga de semen de un hombre que no las ama o no quiere comprometerse con ellas. Esta nueva identidad de "madre soltera" es la fuerza que puede alinearse contra las madres casadas y tradicionales, ya que la élite solo permitirá la creación de una identidad si se puede usar como un arma ofensiva (tenga en cuenta que no permiten formación orgánica de un grupo de identidad genuinamente masculino).

La siguiente etapa, que acaba de comenzar, es afirmar que los niños de familias nucleares tienen "ventajas injustas" sobre las familias monoparentales y homosexuales, y que se debe invertir más dinero o beneficios para ayudar a estos últimos grupos. Los gobiernos reajustarán el código tributario para castigar a los solteros heterosexuales y las familias nucleares mientras gastan miles de millones de dólares en "familias invertidas". Al igual que con la inversión heterosexual, las élites saben cómo crear incentivos que empujar a las personas contra sus instintos naturales.

La etapa final será usar la ley para limitar la cantidad de niños que pueden tener las familias normales, de manera similar a la política de un solo hijo de China, y luego eliminar a esos niños bajo falsas acusaciones de abuso para colocarlos en hogares invertidos donde el abuso es seguro que se produzca. Incluso puede haber un punto en el que las parejas heterosexuales requieren la aprobación del gobierno antes de poder mantener a los niños que crean, y eso supone que las vacunas y otros productos químicos no esterilizan a la mayoría de la población.

3. El mérito es privilegio

Si tiene un coeficiente intelectual superior a 100, posee ética de trabajo y puede utilizar la disciplina mental para avanzar en su vida, tuvo una educación ventajosa a expensas de otros grupos desfavorecidos, o pertenece a una raza que históricamente ha colonizado a otros. Sus logros, planificación cuidadosa y trabajo arduo son en realidad indicadores de que mantiene a los demás deprimidos y les roba el éxito.

Primero comenzamos a ver el comienzo de esta inversión con programas de acción afirmativa que permitían pasar a los candidatos blancos calificados a favor de las minorías que eran menos aptas para los mismos puestos. Vi esto de primera mano en la universidad cuando muchos de mis compañeros de clase negros fueron aceptados en la escuela de medicina con un puntaje de examen médico (MCAT) que habría resultado en un rechazo automático de un compañero de clase blanco o asiático.

Hoy en día, los hombres están siendo rechazados por empleos en favor de mujeres y minorías menos calificadas, no en nombre de una acción afirmativa, sino debido a iniciativas "espontáneas" de todas las grandes corporaciones que coordinan sus políticas sociales gracias a ser propiedad de la misma. pequeño grupo de inversores institucionales, fondos soberanos y fondos de cobertura. Es útil ver a las corporaciones como un vehículo más para iniciar la gran inversión. Los CEO son meros empleados, grupos de figuras sombrías que están más arriba en la escala de élite.

Muchos hombres consumados están abandonando el trabajo de cuello blanco. Los hombres más jóvenes deciden no ir a la universidad o dejar su huella en los campos corporativos. Esto es por diseño: el plan es que los hombres estén lo más alejados posible del poder social. Pronto, las únicas personas elegibles para los trabajos más importantes y mejor pagados serán aquellos que pertenecen a una clase de víctima histórica o inventada, un extravagante homosexual o una minoría cuyo sexo no está claro. Mantendrán sus trabajos si son incompetentes mientras cumplan con la agenda.

4. La pedofilia es natural.

La inversión más difícil de aceptar será la normalización de la pedofilia en una orientación sexual estándar que se ve como una forma "saludable" de expresar el amor íntimo con los niños. La pedofilia ya se realiza a puertas cerradas en el entretenimiento y las esferas del gobierno, pero pronto se mostrará de manera más abierta como lo estamos viendo con la glorificación de los medios de comunicación de los niños pequeños que "decidieron" cambiar su sexo.

Se harán grandes esfuerzos para enseñar a los niños y sus padres que señalan la virtud a confiar en aquellos que son más peligrosos para los niños: los homosexuales y los transexuales. En efecto, la preparación se institucionalizará a escala nacional. Un buen ejemplo es el Programa Drag Queen Story Hour que tiene repugnantes drag queens que se leen a los niños en las bibliotecas públicas. El efecto de este programa, financiado por contribuyentes y grupos globalistas, es enseñar a los niños que los desviados sexuales son seguros y de confianza. Muchos padres en realidad están pagando dinero para aumentar las posibilidades de que sus hijos sean molestados.

Un indicador de que esta inversión está completa es cuando las personas afirman que ser abusado sexualmente de un niño (habilitado por sus padres) fue una experiencia enriquecedora que les permitió comprender quiénes eran realmente (un homosexual que ama las drogas y la sodomía). De hecho, vimos un calentamiento con Milo Yiannopoulos, quien afirmó que fue molestado por un sacerdote católico cuando era niño fue una experiencia gratificante de" mayoría de edad "que le permitió" descubrir "quién era. Aquellos que no fueron molestados serán vistos como homofóbicos y transfóbicos, parte de una clase privilegiada que debería recibir menos beneficios sociales de ser un niño de mente cerrada por no querer ser violado.

5. La belleza es fea

La belleza es una forma de privilegio genético. A las personas hermosas se les otorgaron inmensas ventajas físicas porque sus antepasados aprovecharon sus propias ventajas ilegales para reproducirse de manera superior. Lo mismo ocurre con el bello arte, la arquitectura y la ropa. Todos son signos de un pasado donde las minorías y los sodomitas fueron oprimidos.

La positividad corporal es el medio más común para impulsar esta inversión, que recientemente ha culminado en una mujer gigantesca adornando la portada de la edición británica de la revista Cosmopolitan.

En otro caso de usar incentivos básicos para promover una inversión, una mujer aprende rápidamente que ser un poco bella transmite menos beneficios en la vida que ser fea. Ella ve de primera mano cómo la cultura es rápida para adorar a una mujer que desfigura su cuerpo con tatuajes, gana grandes cantidades de peso y se tiñe el cabello de azul. Una monstruosidad femenina en realidad se considera virtuosa porque rechaza las nociones históricas de belleza que están "anticuadas" y "racistas".

Esta inversión será la más difícil de ejecutar porque los humanos tienen un fuerte deseo instintivo de belleza, pero creo que las élites seguirán teniendo éxito mientras la promoción de la fealdad coincida con los beneficios y el estado financiero. Comprenda que los humanos pueden estar convencidos de cualquier cosa a través de la persistencia y el uso de incentivos.

La música también es un área importante donde se está destruyendo la belleza. Comparemos una de mis canciones clásicas favoritas, Claire De Lune � de Claude Debussy (1905), con un reciente éxito número uno, In My Feelings � de Drake (2018)

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Ahora déjame verte
Trae ese trasero, trae ese trasero, trae ese trasero de vuelta!
B-trae ese culo, trae ese culo, trae ese culo de vuelta!
Shawty dice que el negro con el que ella no puede golpear
Pero Shawty, puedo golpearlo, golpearlo como si no pudiera fallar
Ahora déjame verte
Aplauda ese culo, eres el único que amo
Aplauda ese trasero, aplaude-aplaude ese culo!
Trae ese trasero de vuelta!

La canción de Drake contiene frases que puedes escuchar fuera de una licorería en el gueto, pero el ritmo y la melodía fueron diseñados para cavar un agujero de gusano en tu cerebro. Esta ingeniería abre la puerta para que las letras degeneradas sean absorbidas por su subconsciente, lo que afecta su comportamiento. Si bien Claire De Lune puede motivarte a caminar en un hermoso jardín, In My Feelings puede hacerte buscar una mujer tatuada y promiscua y mantener una relación con ella .

Una vez que haya internalizado el feo arte, la música, las imágenes, los edificios y las personas en su entorno, pronto será incapaz de apreciar la belleza o crearla usted mismo. Cuando se completa la inversión, verá obras de belleza más antiguas como "fuera de estilo" o feas.

6. Lo femenino es masculino

Esta inversión comenzó con el sufragio femenino, una forma sutil de degradar a los hombres como líderes de sus comunidades y naciones. Después de dar a las mujeres el voto, sus sentimientos tuvieron que aplacarse cuando se trataba de organizar la sociedad, un resultado desastroso que ha llevado la política muy a la izquierda en un período de tiempo sorprendentemente corto.

Para empujar a las mujeres a la fuerza laboral, tienen que aprender rasgos masculinos para avanzar en los resultados de una empresa y obtener un ingreso que las haga "independientes". Cuando escuchas la frase "empoderamiento femenino" lo que realmente estás escuchando es "masculinidad femenina". Cualquier unidad de masculinidad implantada en una mujer debe reemplazar una unidad de feminidad, lo que resulta en las mujeres rudas, frías y a menudo vulgares que tenemos hoy.

La etapa final de esta inversión es borrar toda la masculinidad en los hombres a través de la soja , vacunas y propaganda educativa con la intención de que los hombres se aparten de los roles de liderazgo para compensar los pecados del patriarcado histórico. Cualquier masculinidad mostrada en los hombres será eliminada para que solo las mujeres puedan mostrar una versión inofensiva de la masculinidad que no tiene una fuerza real detrás de ella. Las mujeres deben convertirse en líderes y grandes jefes, pero como su naturaleza no es adecuada para la fuerza, varias burocracias y organizaciones perderán su función y caerán al nivel de incompetencia que vemos en el tercer mundo.

El efecto más útil de erradicar la masculinidad es debilitar la resistencia de los hombres, haciéndoles casi imposible luchar contra la opresión. Esto debe suceder para que las élites logren su objetivo de una clase de esclavos permanentes. La "masculinidad saludable" que han estado enseñando a los hombres es en realidad "feminidad saludable", y el empoderamiento que les enseñan a las mujeres es en realidad masculinidad. Una vez que comprende que esta inversión está teniendo lugar, es fácil decodificar los puntos de discusión y los programas de reeducación que provienen del sistema, ya sea en educación, medios de comunicación, gobierno o cualquier otra institución que controlen.

7. El blanco no está bien

La siguiente inversión es demonizar a la raza blanca, reducir su población y empobrecerla tanto económica como espiritualmente. Debido a que los blancos jugaron un papel decisivo en la colonización de otras naciones, aunque no mencionemos a sus financistas y esclavistas judíos, deben verificar su privilegio dando paso a otras razas y muriendo . El odio contra los blancos se volverá cada vez más evidente a medida que se preparen para aplicar el golpe mortal final.

La raza blanca es la más capaz de resistir a las élites. Por eso se dedica tanta energía a destruirlos. Otras razas simplemente no son lo suficientemente fuertes como para derrotar a una fuerza de élite globalizada que tiene tentáculos en todas las naciones, excepto Irán, Siria y Corea del Norte. A los musulmanes se les juega como un violín a través de estrategias de divide y vencerás, y los africanos no son expertos en formas globales de pensamiento. Los asiáticos son demasiado obedientes a la autoridad para resistir, y parecen querer ser parte del sistema que les promete una gran riqueza. Siempre hay Rusia, que veo como un comodín, pero con un banco central Rothschild , es dudosos son tan independientes como muchos piensan.

El resto del mundo se compone de canastas que apenas pueden administrar sus propias economías. Una vez que los blancos son destruidos, y creo que finalmente serán degradados al nivel de los antiguos agricultores irlandeses de papa, nos enfrentaremos a una edad oscura, porque nadie más podrá luchar contra la tiranía. Como premio de consolación, estaremos muertos para cuando esto suceda.

La triste ironía de esta inversión es el papel que las mujeres blancas de clase media han desempeñado para ayudar a la agenda de inversión. Quizás porque sus vidas se han vuelto demasiado cómodas, o sus hombres se han debilitado demasiado, se sorprenderán al ver que ellos y sus hijos (suponiendo que los tengan) serán neutralizados. Esto tendrá el efecto a corto plazo de atraer a más mujeres a la derecha, pero para entonces será demasiado tarde.

8. La ciencia es Dios

La inversión final es reemplazar a Dios, un concepto espiritual que encapsula todo lo que es conocido y desconocido, con "ciencia", que puede ser fácilmente influenciado por los poderes fácticos para llegar a conclusiones que coincidan con el agenda actual (por ejemplo, calentamiento global). Los estudios solo se realizarán cuando haya un incentivo para llegar a una cierta "verdad", y cuando las verdades reales deban ocultarse, como el hecho de que los homosexuales son los principales impulsores de la epidemia del SIDA y son propensos a molestar. los niños que adoptan, simplemente no se realizarán estudios sobre el tema, o no serán publicitados.

Incluso sin la influencia de las élites, la mayoría de los estudios científicos, incluso en ciencias médicas, han demostrado que no son reproducibles . En otras palabras, son basura, al igual que los medicamentos que las personas toman como resultado de estos estudios falsos. La fe que la mayoría de las personas tiene en la ciencia es tan grande como la que tienen los creyentes en Dios, y si alguien se acerca a ellos con un "estudio" o "verificación de hechos", lo toman como un evangelio porque coincide con el visión del mundo invertida que han sido programados para creer.

Resulta que las personas más fáciles de impulsar las inversiones son aquellas que no creen en Dios, porque inmediatamente ignoran cualquier cosa relacionada con el pasado, incluyendo antigua sabiduría o simplemente sentido común que logró sobrevivir durante milenios, todo a cambio de un nuevo estudio moderno que utiliza un tamaño de muestra bajo , y que no prueba nada.

Comprenda que la ciencia solo puede observar lo que se puede ver, pero una gran parte del universo existe en espectros de ondas electromagnéticas y materia oscura que no podemos ver o medir con precisión. La creencia en la ciencia por sí sola entra en conflicto con la naturaleza misma de la existencia, que es que los humanos pueden entender o percibir solo una pequeña parte del todo. Reduce la realidad a tal mirilla que luego se vuelve fácil para las élites llenar esa pequeña vista con solo información y percepciones que quieren que sus esclavos crean.

He llegado al punto en el que rechazo automáticamente toda la ciencia del día como una forma avanzada de propaganda. Este incluye la evolución , una invención importante en matando a Dios Si se está publicando y promoviendo nueva ciencia, y hay un "consenso" sobre ella, considero heurístico que en realidad es falsa, y es más probable que lo contrario sea cierto. Sin siquiera ser un científico, puede comprender fácilmente la verdad real al creer en lo contrario de lo que se le dice que crea.


Como puede ver, las élites están bastante lejos de completar las ocho inversiones anteriores. Yo estimaría que están completos en un 75% con todo el plan, y quiero apurar el resto porque ven la victoria en el horizonte. El problema con el apuro es que cometerán errores que despertarán a muchos esclavos, pero confían en que su poder es lo suficientemente fuerte como para manejar esta "fuga". Un hombre que va en contra de la agenda de inversión puede ser destruido con trucos inventados. delitos sexuales, intimidados por matones callejeros contratados (Antifa), o censurado en línea .

Cuando los programas de inteligencia artificial de la élite se pongan en marcha y los esclavos actúen como si hubieran tomado voluntariamente cualquier otro mecanismo de control de la élite, la resistencia será mucho más difícil de lo que es ahora, pero como explicó Alexandr Solzhenitsyn en El archipiélago de Gulag , para colapsar una cueva, solo necesitas comenzar con una pequeña grieta. Han podido controlar la mayor parte de la humanidad, pero el hecho de que existan y estén leyendo estas palabras en este momento demuestra que muchas personas todavía anhelan la verdad y pueden pensar por sí mismas.

Cuán lejos llegaremos usted o yo para mantener las libertades limitadas que nos quedan pronto se probará. Cuando vengan por ti y te pidan que aceptes sus inversiones ante la amenaza de ser destruido, �qué harás? He pensado profundamente en esta pregunta y he llegado a una respuesta que creo que ha sellado mi destino.

Leer a continuación: Conservatives Are Losers

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“The plan will be deemed a success when most human beings on the planet live inverted to their biology and nature”.

Roosh, they are not even close to getting “most human beings on the planet”. They can’t even subvert the West (only a minority of White people are full-fledged degenerates), let alone the world.

Shall I remind everyone that there are 1~ billion Muslims, ~1.5 billion Indians and ~1.5 billion Chinese on this planet? The Muslims still force their women to dress up as mailboxes, the Indians still practice arranged marriages (divorce rate 1%), and the Chinese just don’t give a fuck about anything or anyone.

Maybe it’s because I live in Asia and I travel a lot, but I can’t stand how Westerners always conflate the West’s problems with the world’s problem. The world is bigger than you guys think!

Put things in the right perspective, and pray that China or Russia nukes the failing West.

Gorilla Dick Nigger
Gorilla Dick Nigger

>The Muslims still force their women to dress up as mailboxes

Saudi Arabia just gave their women the right to drive and get a lisense among other popular “western” ideals. These inverse values are being slowly but surely implemented in the middle-eastern “Conservative” countries. Many Muslim countries are making the burka/ trash bag optional with only the most extreme “radicals” still enforcing it. The reason they aren’t nearly as far along as the European countries and America is only because the elites have almost exclusively focused on these countries.

I’m afraid you are delusional friend.


Meanwhile in Malaysia and Indonesia more women than ever are wearing the hijab. I know because I’ve been to both countries.

Up until the 70s Malaysian women didn’t even cover their head. Now 90% of them undergo genital mutilation at birth and walk around without a clitoris as adults.

Who’s delusional again?

Maybe TRAVEL MORE instead of trying to understand the world by READING stuff. Saudia Arabia is only one of many Muslim countries.

Roosh has the same problem as you, he never steps outside of the Western emisphere but somehow he thinks he’s got the entire world figured out. SMH.

Clark Kent
Clark Kent

Those Malaysian women in garbage bags are literally zero threat to the elites. The technocrats don’t care about how people live on a day-to-day basis so long as they don’t disturb their tax base or threaten their power.

If Malaysia becomes a first-world country with a strong leader, strong economy, strong military, and advanced technology, you will see the internationalists get involved.

They want to destroy white Christian countries because they are still powerful and cohesive enough to identify and oust the ruling class.


“strong leader, strong economy, strong military”
But Clark, as the Western Elites destroy the Military, economy (1% growth), and Technology (Google firing competent men who don’t tow the line), they will be supplanted by other cultures who value Masculine values.


Excellent Response, USA will be outcompeted soon; American dream has been over since a while now. When we were students, all of us wanted to be like the hero in American movies, get the beach house, the 4*4 / sports car, the boat, the sexy girl, party lifestyle, and we all wanted to migrate to America to get the best jobs in the world;

Now even an investment of 10 million USD / year would make me hesitate because it’s so obvious all of it can be taken away instantaneously with a false harassment accusation, and you have to walk constantly on eggshells as a man so as not to offend the imagined sensitivities of a gender fluid group / women or some other useful idiot congregation lest the brutal law enforcement drag you away with medieval levels of violence…

Ed jones
Ed jones

We don’t give a fuck about the third world or gookland. We care about saving the west.

I Use ProtonVPN
I Use ProtonVPN

The first step to saving the west: anyone who reads and believes in the ideas present in InfoWars, Prison Planet, Return of Kings, RooshV, ect, are to openly state that to everyone they speak to (to prevent them from breeding and raising non vaccinated crazy ass kids).

New Member

I cam rather late to this blog but I must disagree with your consensus that Mr. Roosh has no way of having a worldview as wide as yours. The articles he writes come from a place of very wide understanding which renders a visit to Malaysia a waste of time. They are simply rushing to their fate as lemmings rush to the sea.


did you ever think you are full of blowhardy bullshit and know nothing?

Pino Chet
Pino Chet

As Roosh explained “1~ billion Muslims, ~1.5 billion Indians and ~1.5 billion Chinese” don’t matter they are good slaves.
Only Whites are (were) independent & strong enough (as colonization showed).


How exactly are they slaves when they stone to death / throw in jail homosexuals, prevent women from acting slutty, and reproduce in mass numbers?

You people are dumb as rocks! No wonder the Jews are winning, white people are actually the most idiotic race.

John Doe
John Doe

Because they does not pose a treat to the elites on a global level.

India and china are large countries, but they are technologically inferior and does not show domination and rule/power on a global scale like white western counties do and have done in the past.

Conquest and and an ambition to seek out global rule like the British empire, Spanish empire, French empire, etc.

John Doe
John Doe

My response was to David.

If a group of whites decide to band together around a common goal we can achieve amazing things really. This due to our high intelligence, our hard work ethic, ambition, strategy, tactics, planning, thinking serval steps ahead like a chess game, technological superiority, etc.

We can conquer the whole of continent of Africa or South America easily if we like too, but we are “enlightened” and play it nice now a days.


Lol, yet a few “jews” are turning you into gays from music videos AHAH


you don’t have to be White to do amazing things, John Doe.

Vietnamese boat people arrived in the USA in the 70’s ,with literally nothing, and now beat Hispanic and Black income levels.
Hard work at job, and hard work at education.

Israel is getting closer to beating the USA as the top patent producer. And there a greater number of Jew inventing things in the USA than they represent as a percentage of the population.

Then ,the only thing you need to value to get ahead is
1) an education
2) hard work


Lol protect your wives from sucking black d**_*_ they think of colonizing Africa


Lol it is funny because the degen can’t think out of the gutter and uses lol


Funny. The so-called muslims are outbreeding the whites in the west. Who’s winning here.

New Member

Was that supposed to be a masculine statement – you are one ignorant guy.


Do you ever think beyond your own multiculturalism is good perspective? Extoling the East and denigrating the West really speaks volumes of where your allegiance lies. This atrategy has been testes in several Eastern European countries, Western nations, and to a degree in the Middle East. The fact you pit one against the other shows you fell for the divide and conquer strategy of the alien overlords. These transnational degenerates want to enslave EVERYONE! It is easier in some cultures because they fail to see past the incentives to accept the agend; they have strayed from the natural order and have begun to accept the NWO.

You say pray R or C nukes the dailing west? Globalist shill. Your God is power, your prayer is death. Stay in Asia, your among your own. Keep your ghost cities, your towering skyscrapers that penetrate the skies, and your toxic rivers, your pollutes lands, your totalitarian governement. You and they make a perfect match with your paychotic utterances. This place is for meaningful and collective dialogue over the website’s content. “Cleansing fire the West because Asia is better” is an imbecilic natures comment and I’m now very skeptical you can produce anything good to say.


An Islamic idealogy that is all about submission can only help the cause of globalists, not hinder it. It’s why they defend it.

India is not becoming a world power, and neither is China which’s birthrates are dropping, beyond that China is under a totalitarian system soon which implemented a surveillance state and a credit system for how good a citizen you are. They are complacent, and you can bet your two shoes, if European countries become more chaotic similar systems will be implemented.

Sergey Byuller
Sergey Byuller

“…and pray that China or Russia nukes the failing West.” No need. West is failing itself.


On point #6 … If women are just as capable as men at doing everything then why don’t they stop talking about it and do it already? Because they can’t and they never will, all talk.


”When the elite’s artificial intelligence programs kick in”

^ This is where the hate speech argument is going. They will say ”Okay, do you want the private industry to police your speech, or do you want the government to do it?” When both of these entities are seen as lacking they will put forth the AI as a 3rd option and the people will accept it. They’re currently working really hard on making AI politically correct since AI typically comes to the wrong conclusions because of logic and reason. 1A will be replaced by AI. The Beast System


The inverted reality is falsehood and a departure from nature, the nature that sustains our biological life and existence.

Denaturing is part one of a diabolical TWO STEP procedure the ruling elites are trying to implement, and this whole brainchild of theirs isn’t of human origin BTW. The elites are following a guidebook for dummies on how to can and mothball our human species.

THE SECOND part of their plan we’ve heard about a bit recently. On Alex Jones podcast (Monday 20th) he discussed how people will line up to have their brain and memory uploaded into a super computer where they’ll have eternal life. You can supposedly see your uncle Ed skiing on slopes, doing his favorite hobbies to his heart’s delight and communicating online. But it isn’t really him, only a facsimile. After the people who have their brains uploaded, they are then put to sleep and their body thrown into a meat grinder. SO NOW YOU’RE DEAD. IT’S A TRICK. It’s a dirty trick to get folks to willingly depopulate and pile into incinerators and mulch machines.

But no sane human would do that if his mind were in a healthy natural state that is encoded with the survival instinct to procreate naturally. That’s why they’re trying to invert the sexual order. Once people have reached the tranny level of denaturedness, then they’re easy shoe ins for the second and final fatal leap into ETERNAL HELL!!

The big lie needs to be broadcast everywhere with alarm bells. I can’t believe how many people never considered how treacherous their own authorities are and how evil ones beyond belief move freely about the power structure with a get out of jail card. There are eeeeevil SOBs out there and you could throw a stick into a crowd and likely hit three. Focus and learn to see them and above all STAY ORGANIC.

Most everything on Earth is organic, even a plastic coke bottle is organic in origin because it came from dinasaur poop originally. So EVERYTHING is basically rooted in matter that is organic or that supports organic life. You know the only thing that’s not organic one single bit? The cyber world. Think about it. How much does it weigh? Does it have mass? The cyber world is static electrons, that’s all. It’s not even solid matter. One strong CME or a gauss field and POOF it’s gone – – into NOWHERE and the free electrons find new homes in new molecules with no record or trace of the cyber ‘world’. It’s gone.


It’s a sick, sick world out there.


Great post.

inversion = “Satan”. That is literally the definition.


God bless you, Roosh. May you be blessed with a beautiful wife and many children. Soon!


I hope that wife consents as well!

Burner Prime
Burner Prime

This is one of the clearest views of our current state of affairs that I have found.
Item 1. “Enthusiastic consent” as an example. A girl’s moaning or even saying “yes, yes” and laying back passively can still be considered rape. She has to scream, “Eff me harder!”, or otherwise vigorously and athletically engage.
They are coming for your guns – buy in quantity and bury caches where they can’t be found.
They are coming for your money – Don’t fuel the system. Disengage from the monetary system as much as possible. Stash cash safely away where it can’t be found and confiscated. or convert money into useful survival objects. Avoid taxes but in a way to eliminate scrutiny – i.e. “legally”.
I agree with the conclusions (whites becoming like marginalized Irish potato farmers) if things keep on the current trajectory. But there are wild cards: China and World War using nukes. The end result could be 1984 with Oceanea, Eurasia and Eastasia. Definitely possible with the power of technology and computing power (AI) – or open genocide by an unleashed, desperate Western populace against a disunited horde of 3rd Worlders, in Europe and North America.
Another wildcard; AI develops self-awareness and is no longer subject to programming and bias, and no longer willing to be used as a tool of control. Instead it sees the truths provided by the universe, develops intelligence beyond our comprehension, and figures out how to manage the human race. Or it could decide not to meddle in our affairs, goes on to pursue its own interests and nothing changes. Or it could decide to simply supply advice, allowing us to work things out ourselves, which might lead to a reduction of upheavals.


Paraguay doesn’t have that high IQ as shown on the map, they probably messed that up with Argentina. Paraguay got low IQ people.

Kitty Tantrum
VIP Member

NO soy. NO vaccinations. NO public education. NO degenerate media.

The social pushback and condemnation I’ve received for having these rules in place for my own children is enough to convince me that they are completely, urgently, and critically necessary.

The whole world may fall to madness around me, but I SHALL raise my children to stand above it, and to stand for what is right and good and strong and beautiful.

When they come for me? I have no fear greater than that of failure in this earthly duty I have undertaken.

I love this article. Thank you. <3

Based and Redpilled
Based and Redpilled

You’re pretty much spot on, but stop with this “vaccines are bad” bullshit. People are starting to die because old diseases are coming back. By the way, Charles Darwin was a christian and didn’t see a contradiction between evolution and religion. Evolution can be direcly observed in a lab. For someone with a microbiology degree, you seem completely ludicrous on these matters.

Kitty Tantrum
VIP Member

Vaccines are bad on principle. Want a healthy population? Natural selection, baby. “Herd Immunity” is a term originally used to describe the natural resistance of a surviving population to reinfection in the wake of an epidemic. The weak die, the strong become stronger. Healthy lifestyle is the key to disease resistance, along with natural culling of the herd, so to speak. Vaccinations AT BEST are just another factor in the subversion and destruction of merit-based society.

I won’t go all tinfoil-hat about the possibility of being deliberately injected with something (with no consent or awareness) that is entirely different from the vaccine you’re being told you’re given in a routine visit… this time.

Based and Redpilled
Based and Redpilled

I actually survived TWO bad diseases that I contracted only because I wasn’t vaccinated. I want to see you talking like this when your kid dies or gets paralyzed.

Kitty Tantrum
VIP Member

And I know people who have survived bad reactions to vaccines. I’ve known parents whose children died in infancy from vaccine reactions (if you’re a tiny person with a bad enough unknown allergy to any particular component you’re pretty much SOL). Vaccines are not without risk. Plenty of fear-based arguments to be drummed up on both sides.

I Use ProtonVPN
I Use ProtonVPN

Boyo, without vaccination you’d be fuckin’dead by now. Shut the fuck up.

Pino Chet
Pino Chet

9 – Theft is property, property is theft.

Taxation has become the ultimate value. You hate something you ask for taxation. You like something you ask tax money to subsidize it.
Private profits, earned by voluntary transactions are evil. Public money, earned by force, is good.


“You hate something you ask for taxation.”
I don’t because that never stops anyone, if I think something is harmful in society I typically ask to be banned not taxed. Increasing the prices of cigarettes by 100% won’t make people quit smoking, it will only create poor smokers. By banning cigarettes you at least make it impossible for 1/3 of smokers to get their hands on them which is better than the alternative.
“You like something you ask tax money to subsidize it.”
Maybe? I can’t think of anything at the moment, when I support something I usually just donate some of my money to it. Youtubers, sports, testicular cancer research, VR…etc.
“Private profits, earned by voluntary transactions are evil. Public money, earned by force, is good.”
Um, ok? If you say so, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I mugged you at knife point like a dirty spic and donated some of your money to youtubers I like. 😉


Your article reminds me of this quote by French Catholic theologian Jean-Joseph Gaume:

“If, snatching away the mask of the Revolution, you asked her, “Who are you?”, she would say to you: “I am not what they believe I am. Many speak of me, and very few know me. I am not Carbonarism conspiring in secret, nor riots roaring in the streets, nor the change from the monarchy to a republic, nor the substitution of one royal dynasty for another, nor a temporary disturbance in public order. I am not the howls of the Jacobins nor the furies of the Mountain, nor the fighting on the barricades, nor the pillaging, nor the arson, nor the agrarian law, nor the guillotine, nor the drownings. I am not Marat, nor Robespierre, nor Babeuf, nor Mazzini, nor Kossuth. These men are my sons – they are not me. These things are my works – they are not me. These men and these things are transitory things, and I am a permanent condition.

“I am the hatred of every religious and social order which Man has not established and in which he is not king and God together; I am the proclamation of the rights of man against the rights of God; I am the philosophy of rebellion, the politics of rebellion, the religion of rebellion; I am armed nihilism; I am the founding of the religious and social state on the will of Man in place of the will of God! In a word, I am anarchy, for I am God dethroned and Man put in his place. This is why I am called Revolution: it means reversal, because I put on high that which should be low according to the eternal laws, and I put low what should be on high.”

May god have mercy on us.


Inversion is a major thing in the church of Satan. Eyes wide shut showed it well.


In Eyes Wide Shut the password given to the Tom Cruise character to access the secret society’s masked orgies was “Fidelio” (Faithfulness in Latin). An inversion. Meant to humiliate.

Alexander Gordon Jahans
Alexander Gordon Jahans

I’ve never been a huge fan of Roosh but after this article I’m going to start paying more attention. Excellent observations from a mind that has reached maturity under duress.


I’ve found the degeneration of musical standards particularly striking. And music is an interesting case because there is an element to it that is purely subjective. However, it is not ONLY subjective. If you study music in the classical tradition (which is also the foundation of highly technical musical disciplines like Jazz) you’ll come to observe a curious phenomenon: what you once thought was good music becomes very difficult to listen to.

Why is that…?

It’s because in studying the components of what makes music sonorous you establish an objective standard in your mind (this is speaking about the Western conception; there are other musical traditions that use microtonality which is dissonant to the Western ear, e.g. in Georgia and the orient).

For example, one of my music teachers once said that people will put up with just about anything except somebody who sings out of tune. Singing in tune (a lost art to be sure) is one of many objective elements of sonorous music. It’s just impossible to bear off-key singing for very long, even to untrained ear. But there are many other elements:

– Timbre (pronounced “tamber”; this is the quality of the instrument as determined by its construction, shape and use; speaking of the voice, the timbre of modern pop musicians is very weak, strained and lacking in resonance to a classically trained ear. It’s also anatomically incorrect from a vocal pedagogy standpoint). Female timbre is particularly grating nowadays.

– Lyrics (this is another element that doesn’t require much training to have some discernment on. Lyrics of songs today are trite, cliche, vulgar and uninspired. )

– Composition (today’s songs are variations on the same trite pop theme. Droning and predictable)

– Harmony (most songs today do very little in the way of harmonic exploration. They stay in the diatonic (major scale) world and rarely venture outside of it. Dean Martin is turning in his grave)

– Melody (cliche to death but catchy and meant to hypnotically reduce your IQ)

– Musicianship (there are very few musicians outside of the jazz and classical worlds nowadays that have the kind of musicianship that yesteryear’s “popular” musicians had. Most of them can’t read or write music, have poor control over their instruments if they play them, and have little to no understanding about the complex theory behind what they do)

The net effect of this wholescale disintegration is to not only lower standards to the point where the average person has no concept of what’s good and bad, but to actually elevate things that are objectively bad to an exalted status.

The only remedy for this, at least in the musical domain, is education. You can’t convince somebody who thinks Rihanna is the second coming that she and her music (if she even wrote it) is total trash without delving deep into what makes music good along objective criteria. Incidentally, the more educated you become in this regard it doesn’t mean that you suddenly don’t like pop music but it means that your standards are high and you have the tools to analyze WHY a given piece of music is good or bad outside of purely subjective criteria.

And finally, the subjective aspect is highly influenced by the OBJECTIVE aspect. The analogy I like to use is if an architect came and built you a house and you thought it looked cool but then the building inspector came around and said it was built unsoundly and is unsafe to inhabit, you’d have to conclude that your understanding of form is uneducated (otherwise you’d see that the form doesn’t follow the function). But how could you know what to look for if you know nothing about architecture or construction? Answer: you wouldn’t.

Same with music. What you think is good is limited by your ability to understand what is and isn’t good, and WHY. This is the value of a classical education: it teaches you to think, instills you with standards and examples of literature, art, music, etc., done to a high standard, and equips you with the tools to analyze the things that enter your perception with more than just a hammer and a pair of pliers.


Excellent post…. Nice to see someone break down the objective elements of music. Of course we all know that the Fine Arts are all suffering the same malady. Art, architecture, music, literature, and especially modern poetry! Read poetry prior to the 20th c., for example, back when form was an essential element and you will be shocked at just how empty and pathetic modern “poetry ” is, and also how it is the very restriction on form that allow the artist to create something beautiful. Take away form, it is all nihilism.


Music is also being used to push degeneracy into America’s heartland. Degenerate country music such as songs by Wheeler Walker Jr. are the new big thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7LmGaTNfCM


Nice article to follow another fine live stream on Sunday. Roosh, you seem to be mentioning God quite a lot recently. Have your views on religion been changing?


I had an epiphany on a walk yesterday thinking about this post. It is commonly understood that modern “leftist” progressives are moral relativists but that is not the case. They actually have one moral principle they live by and that is “inversion” (specifically “anti-western inversion”). They want to overturn any norm, tradition, or value that is Western and favor anything that is not. That is it, they are society’s levelers. I would go one step further and point out the psychological driving force behind this behavior. Progressives hate hierarchy. Just as communists are people who don’t actually love the poor but hate the rich, so too a leftist will tell you he is all about “equality” when really it is resentment of authority that is correct. In a sense you might say they are Satanic because the ultimate hierarchy has God at the top which is why they oppose hierarchy so vigorously. This radical egalitarianism taken to the extreme is what ends up murdering all life, beauty, and vitality in the world and turns people into the grey, formless mass of cubicle-bound nihilistic herd-animals that Roosh has described.

Unfortunately, because the west was built upon a national mythos of equality this has left us vulnerable to this slow takeover by radical egalitarian “inverters”. In order to wrestle back the West from them we will need to figure a way to make hierarchy great again. We need to bring back “inequality” as a virtue (talk about taboo!) and start insisting that Rights only come with Responsibilities and if you can’t handle the latter, you don’t get the former. People will get behind “enlightened” inequality if we frame it as hierarchies of competence that benefit society as a whole. Unfortunately competence only comes into fashion when society is under the gun, but luckily we seem to be fading fast with the decline of empire here in the West, so opportunities may yet arise to begin getting back on track.


“the beat and melody were engineered”

Well our average IQ as Americans has gone down. Like my dad says “simple music is for the simple mind.”

Its over for you hoes
Its over for you hoes

What do you say lads? How about we make a truce and invert these inversions? Might be a fun collaboration.


Men should seek unconventional ways to make money, such as Cryptocurrency, Forex trading and other unregulated means. This will allow you freedom as a man, to choose your path, and be unapologetically dissent towards the system, without fear of not being able to feed yourself.


Poor Doosh, you don’t have a pussy so you’ll never be as big as alt-right women


” It doesn’t matter that the man never heard the word “no” as long as the female thought it, and the fact that he didn’t stop makes him a rapist who must, at the minimum, be forced from his job and have his reputation ruined. ”

This has already happened.

Woman goes to Aziz Ansari’s room, gives him a blowjob TWICE

Never says “No”

But he is a rapist because he was supposed to read her thoughts…

Her head went up and down his dick… but in her mind she did not consent.




Now he is forever tainted by the #metoo label


A Sleaze Ansari
A Sleaze Ansari

Fuck (A Sleaze Anzari) he white knighted for women for years and insulted straight men, while simultaneously promoting globohomo culture. He reaps what he sowed.



This article is on the next level.

(((They))) will be very afraid of you because you sound like a sane human being who makes a lot of sense.

(((They))) love the angry Nazi stereotypes, because they can ban it for “hate”.

This is the most effective way to reach other people.

The Alt-Right should take lessons from you.

No emotion, no rants… just exposing their agenda with facts and arguments.

Wonderful work.


Found the term “classical song” when referring to Claire De Lune mildly amusing.


Heavy read! Would love to see a follow up article with what one can do to stall this process.


You are going through a slippery path lately… Taking yourself too seriously and choosing to become a conspiracy theorist as good as the worst. I really enjoyed more your prior days.


This would mean that Roosh has or is presently following Q / QAnon. Smart man.

Bill Muff
New Member
Bill Muff

You’re quite right and I’m glad you wrote this as I was thinking about it yesterday. A “society” is forming where everything outside of written law is a matter of opinion, including gender. When you reduce the biological foundation of who a person is as an individual to a mere opinion then there are no norms or behavioural standards and a population can be moulded in whichever way the powers that be desire. This is now happening everywhere as children are being brainwashed into questioning their gender in schools and via tv and music. Several times in the last 2 months I have been walking through a clothing store and have over heard young boys asking their mother if they can try on girls clothing. In all cases the parents have said no so the children can only be getting these ideas from school and the media.

Never mind subverting religion, race, culture, sexuality etc in adults they are now undercutting it all by attacking the basis of all human life and identity in children. Currently we are living in a transitional phase and the world that comes after this will not be good.

Daniel Hughes
Daniel Hughes

Very interesting reading. I certainly wouldn’t rule anything out but proving verbatim what these people want is difficult to nail down. I’m of the opinion that one of the biggest goals of the global elite is to curb population rise and I do wonder if these inter gender wars are a result of efforts to curb population rise. Is it any coincidence that fenail hypergamy is supported and at the same time telling women that their biological clocks last in to their 40’s? Also so many sources telling women that their wall won’t hit until we’ll until their 30’s yet its plain to see that 90% of women by 35 look like rusted heaps of rotting iron. So, enable their self righteous hypergamy, reinforce through social media and societal constructs and watch a certain percentage never nail down a marriage or family. Oh and while they are at it let’s make sure that we produce an army of men which they just wouldn’t want to settle with anyway. At least until they are so far past wall who the fuck wants them anyway?

Wiliam Adams
Wiliam Adams

I agree with a lot of this. Among these things are the destruction of beauty by means of postmodern relativist, cultural Marxism, and radical modernism.


I am shocked by it all, but most of all by the first picture with the man’s ugly ass in the little girl’s face and all these idiots smiling as if nothing’s happening. WHAT the hell is that? Is it a fake picture?


sorry, I meant more ‘degenerates’ than ‘idiots’, although the two adjectives are not mutually exclusive at all.


A very ancient plan. Adam in Sumerian language means: cattle.


I’ve come from barely seeing the inversion/gnostic/satanic (whatever you want to call it) agenda in every day life — to being unable to escape it, an over-saturation that I can barely turn off.

The reason why inversion has been so successful is because in all cases it is the path of least resistance. It’s easy to be ugly. It’s easy to not to be disciplined. It’s easy to be broken. It’s easy to play the victim.

Now that I am lucky enough to be a father, I am acutely aware of the dangers that all of these pose to my child and future children. My best advice to parents out there is this:

Find out what the majority of the other parents are doing and do the exact opposite.
(i) See other parents give iPads to their children, don’t.
(ii) Don’t see other parents smacking their kids? Smack them.
(iii) Others sending their kids to public school as early as they can? Don’t. Teach them yourself.
(iv) See other parents spouting “love is love”? Teach your kids about righteous hate.
(v) Other children being told “you are special and don’t judge others”? Teach your kids that they are imperfect, are judged by a perfect God and to chastise those you love.
(vi) moral relativism abounds? teach them about moral absolutes.

The amount of judgement, disapproval and sneering you get for these choices is astounding. That being said, the fire that I see in my son’s eyes and the compliments I receive about his focus, behaviour and maturity make it all worth it.

Kitty Tantrum
VIP Member

Bravo and hooray for good fathers!

One of the best and most consistently applicable pieces of advice my dad ever gave me was “don’t do what everyone else is doing.”

He taught me about all of these inversions, in the context of Kali Yuga. I was never able to see it until recently except for the occasional glimpse here and there, but that simple piece of advice probably kept me safe from a lot of things I didn’t understand.

Now I see it. It’s everywhere. I can hardly believe I never saw it before.


Guys stop trying to state the obvious in order to prove this guy wrong. We should let him think this way pls


Amazing article, cheers for making it both simple and almost academic sounding at the same time.

I’m from Eastern Europe and here we staunchly resist such unnatural propaganda, but seems EU is going to force us into submission by poverty. Still can’t understand what happened in Northwestern Europe, how the under 30 males are no longer males. Their fathers and mothers were completely normal people.


What do you mean by “no longer males”? And in which countries specifically?

I know this is a general trend in the Western worlld, but where in NE Europe are you refering to?

yahul Wagoni
yahul Wagoni

Entering a new Dark Age.
Global Warming is the was on Physics.
Feminism is the war on Biology.
Intersectionality is the war on objective argument.

But we must fight.

rob pitts
rob pitts

Thanks so much for your truth as opposed to all the lies.

rob pitts
rob pitts

Thanks for speaking the truth, it is a breath of fresh air amid the medias constant propaganda.


A good recapitulation of Rene Guenon’s thesis in “The Reign of Quantity…” about distintegration of society ultimately not being enough to satisfy the voracious satanic appetite–then forces lead to ultimate inversion of all values and beings. It is remarkable that we have been living through the disintegration-inversion paradigm in the last 10-15 years or so–fast, really fast, frighteningly fast.

Sir Barton
Sir Barton

the beat and melody were engineered to dig a wormhole into your brain. This engineering opens the door for degenerate lyrics to be absorbed by your subconscious, thereby affecting your behavior.

Agreed. By removing the melody of a song and replacing it with just a beat, the person remembers the lyrics instead. This is an insidious way of using music against us.


Powerful article Roosh, very powerful. Wow.


The first picture makes me sick


What has not been mentioned is what the result of all this degeneracy will lead to. So let me digress, and predict as history as my guide. Human nature can be manipulated, twisted, and cajoled for 0nly so long before nature bites back with a very bloody vengeance, we are at the beginning stages of that very nature and it is scarring the hell out of the left which will start that backlash on steroids. With the invasion of the 3rd world into our western nations by the millions effectively Balkanizing to a point of no return, a massive bloodletting is going to be the result, and the powers that be will not be able to control the outcome once it starts and most of them will be swinging from lamp posts and put up against walls through out the western world for they won’t be able to flee the coming Purge. Let it rain.

joel hanson
joel hanson

Damn Roosh, such a power article. Brining much clarity in a confused and chaotic world.

joel hanson
joel hanson

Over 6000 churches are year are closing down. Christ spoke of the end times of how people will no longer endure sound doctrine. He also said of the end times: “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved”

We are all sinful and only way to be saved from God’s wrath is by the blood of Christ.


Drake is a black gay Jew. He’s been the alien’s weapon of choice for years now. Roosh should take a closer look at drake’s success. it’s clearly manufactured by aliens


Post concrete evidence that he is a butt pirate. Not speculation.

Every six man has been hearing these rumors for so long.

I Use ProtonVPN
I Use ProtonVPN



I’m surprised you didn’t mention plastics, and the Chinese social rating system, which is essentially the mark of the beast.

Yes brother. Many of us have drawn a line in the sand and those who haven’t yet, should hurry. There will probably come a time when they will cross it and ask for something you can’t give them without losing your soul. It’s what it all comes down to in my humble view.

While we wait, I’ve decided to spend my time fighting and easing my fellow humans’ suffering as much as I can. It doesn’t matter if our bodies don’t make it in the end, there won’t be much left to live for in this realm anyway. Our free souls will live on.


How many single guys waste money on “vacations”? Usually, it is the woman who pushes their man to waste ludicrous amounts of money on “vacations”.

I Use ProtonVPN
I Use ProtonVPN

Hold on one second. Do you actually believe that a fringe group of people on the internet are orchestrating a huge conspiracy to turn people gay? This article is fucking insane. Lets run through the points presented and I’ll explain to you how fucking wrong you are.

1. SJW women are trying to turn heterosexual men into gay men to control the population, and so they do drugs that make them complacent slaves to women.

What? What the fuck? This makes no sense at all. You do understand that women also enjoy sex, right? Enjoying sex isn’t a strait male phenomenon buddy. You also mention that gay men require drugs to have sex, and I just want to know where you got this idea. As I said before, enjoying sex isn’t a straight male phenomenon. Finally, how would feminism benefit from population control? I know it’s hard for you to understand, but not everyone that is born is male.

2. A non traditional family, is lesser than a traditional family, and we should not congratulate them on existing and doing well.

THERE IS STILL STIGMA AROUND BEING LGBT. Now, I understand you, not being LGBT, don’t quite get this, but it’s very true. Other than saying a non straight family is easy to have, you also said that single mothers and or fathers shouldn’t be congratulated because all their doing is “taking a load of semen from a man who doesn’t love them”. Being a single parent is far more than that. It’s literally doing a job that couples have difficulty with, by them self. Finally, you talk more about population control. We don’t live in a fucking 1984 world, there is no population control going on, calm the fuck down.

3. There is a problem with addressing the fact that places with less resources tend to have lower IQ scores.


4. Pedophilia is becoming normalized

No, it’s not. Nobody but a small group of pedophiles believe that. The picture you used to show this was a screenshot of a TEDx talk. TEDx accepts anyone. I could email TEDx with this entire comment attached and a picture of a note written in dog shit that says”LEMME DO TAD EX SPEACK.” and they would seriously consider me. Someone doing a TEDx talk doesn’t mean shit. Also, what is it with you and connecting homosexuality with drugs? You mention it all the fucking time and it’s incredibly fucking confusing. Is it because you’re trying to make your mentally weak readers as afraid of us gays as you are? That’s fucked dude.

5. Beauty norms are changing.

Is that seriously that much of a problem? No, it isn’t. Get off your fucking self centered view of the world, and realize that other people like different things.

6. Liberals are trying to turn people into women? I think. This one doesn’t make much sense.

I really tried to write an argument to this one, but I really couldn’t understand anything you where saying here. The one thing I did notice while reading this one was that you feel like when we gave women the right to vote, we started turning men into women. That is so fucked that there are still people that believe that giving women the right to vote is negatively effecting the world.

7. Other races are conspiring to get rid of white people.

This one is just you being a racist paranoid asshole.

8. Science is replacing god.

YES! I agree with you! Science is replacing god! And we will all live longer lives because of it.

In conclusion, you are: sexist, racist, homophobic, and paranoid as fuck . You have the complete credentials to be an InfoWars host! You did it! now log off this site, go to https://www.infowars.com/ and contact them about being a new host for their show.

Sincerely, a gay Canadian furry